Crocs AFL Match Report

Monday 3 June 2013

Crocs dare to dream

Crocs coach Brad Cooper is entitled to believe his team will feature prominently in this season's final series in September. At the Croc Pit on Saturday, the home team proved too strong for Manunda Hawks.

The Seniors and Reserves had compelling wins, and continued their consolidation in the top four of the competition.

Coach Coops continued his policy of introducing new players to the squad as the season has progressed, with three new inclusions this week. All adapted well, with Josh Hicks in particular putting on a strong performance. Hicks should prove to be a ball magnet.  
The matches were played in trying conditions with an extremely strong wind. The Crocs kicked into the wind in the opening quarter, with Croc Dylan Wearmouth scoring the first major of the game. Adam Boone quickly found his into stride, and dominated in attack. Kurt Bradshaw, back after injury, was prominent early on, and Jackson Brown goaled after a 50 metre penalty. The Hawks responded in kind, nabbing two quick goals. In an impressive demonstration of team play, Alex Bendle combined with Boone, Brown and Kazza for a Kazza goal. The Crocs again demonstrated their persistence, outscoring the Hawks in the first term.

At the start of the second, Lukas Teasdale tapped to Kurt Bradshaw for a Crocs goal.  Debutante Hicks was "Eddie Everywhere", making his presence felt around the ground. James Backway showed initiative, bursting through a pack of players to goal. Mark Nuggin's pass to Boone was an unfortunate minor score. There was no doubt though for Boone's next shot at the sticks - a goal, then a second.  

The Crocs midfield had control and didn't let it go. The home team's work ethic was commendable, and personified by Big man Kazakoff. Ben McCartney and Ben Herbert consistently repelled Hawks advances. The three musketeers, Wearmouth, Nuggin and Bradshaw, were in everything, with Boone and Brown bombarding the goals. The Crocs' fitness, teamwork and strength proved the difference between the teams, and Port Douglas ended as worthy winners.

The Reserves continued their winning form, proving too good against the opposition in what became a very one-sided game.  The Crocs adjusted quicker to the near gale-force wind, and were more skilful in their foot skills and hand-passing.
Liam Edwards took some great marks, and Mitch Nicholson was showing a cool head in close-in situations. Harry Wilkie, in his 199th appearance for the Crocs, was reading the swirling wind and making position well. The Crocs defenders had an easy time thanks to their teammates dominance in attack. Bully Andrews was in and under, with Ethan McCulloch in good form and Nathan Evans getting into the act.  Christian Patterson was teaming well. Ash Isaac took a nice mark and converted to  a major score, and Aaron Marks was having a field day. To their credit, the Crocs ran the game right to the end and deserved the win.  

Crocs 18-15-123 def. Hawks 10-3-63.
J. Brown 5.  A. Boone 5.  J. Backway 2.  J. Morrison 2.  M. Nuggin 2.  B. Kazakoff.  K. Bradshaw.  
B. Kazakoff.  J. Backway.  D. Wearmouth.  K. Bradshaw.  A. Bendle.  A. Boone.
Crocs 22-17-149 def. Hawks 1-3-9.
J. Wilkie 5.  L. Edwards 3.  J. Stewart 2.  M. Gard 2.  E. McCullough 2.  A. Isaac 2.  P. Barnett.  M. Petrack.  R. Maloney.  A. Marks.  M. Nicholson.  K. Andrews.

L. Edwards.  A. Marks.  E. McCullough.  P. Barnett.  K. Andrews.

With no game next week, the Crocs take on the Tigers away, on Saturday June 15.