Dive into Digital

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Digital Dive aims for perfect 10

With the Labor Government’s National Broadband Network rollout accelerating across Queensland, Far North businesses can prepare for the move to digital with help from a new website and social media platform.

Sonja Johnson, Chief Executive of a Far North Queensland-Torres Strait arm of the Government-funded Regional Development Australia, launched ‘Dive into Digital’ yesterday to support businesses and the region’s “uptake of digital economy opportunities”, and promote NBN understanding. 

The NBN, a Gillard Government project with an estimated $38 billion price tag, aims to provide high-speed internet access via fibre optic cable. Completion is still years away, with the anticipated 2021 end date plagued with repeated delays, including contractor setbacks.

Ms Johnson said, “getting ready for the NBN rollout is critical for local business as it will…ultimately [result] in bottom line advantages.”

Sam Cullen, managing director of Tourism Port Douglas and Newsport Media, believes 'Dive into Digital' is a positive step forward for businesses in the digital era.

"Core business undertaken in city centres faces challenges with the current network - the rollout of the NBN will level the playing field," he said.

"The whole country will benefit from harnessing the strengths of regional Australians, and infusing them into current and new initiatives. Making use of this regional intellect and innovation will ensure the nation remains competitive across domestic and international commerce."

The 'Dive into Digital' comes after budget papers recently revealed major Government spending in 2012-13 included $4.9m to "continue to improve public understanding and provide updated information" on the NBN, and $12.9m to help small businesses, local councils and not-for-profit organisations take advantage of it.

With broadband policy tipped to be a key Federal election issue in September, the ‘Dive into Digital’ launch comes at an ideal time for fostering goodwill of the ambitious NBN rollout, particularly as diveintodigital.com.au provides “a specific page about the NBN in our region”.  

The initiative is part of stage one of the Cairns Digital Economy Community Engagement Strategy. The ‘Dive into Digital’ website also provides hints and tips about social media, how to secure data and how to build practical online skills.