Chamber calls for councillor talks

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Chamber calls for councillor talks

Now that the region has voted to create a new Council, committee members of the Douglas Chamber of Commerce are looking forward to getting down to business.

Chamber president Phoebe Kitto was unapologetic in maintaining a neutral stance throughout the referendum, saying the Chamber was positioning itself to work with whatever local government was chosen to regulates the area.

"We view the referendum as having achieved far greater positives than negatives," Ms Kitto said. "It has demonstrated to everyone living in the area and to government and businesses outside of Douglas that there are committed, passionate people living in this region who are genuinely interested in and who are willing to advocate to advance the interests of the area, not just their own personal interests."

She said the Chamber was keen to see the key parties involved in the de-amalgamation debate to remain involved in the process of creating the Council, and the ongoing advocacy for the area.

She added that the Chamber would work closely with anyone considering running for a councillor position.

"We cannot expect councillors, wherever they are located, to make good decisions unless they are briefed on the relevant facts for the area. It will be our job as the Chamber to ensure that those persons standing for election and those persons ultimately elected understand the industries and business concerns in this region."

The Chamber will now undertake a census of the businesses that are in the greater Douglas region, and also request that businesses list to the Chamber their concerns for the immediate and distant future that they consider will affect their businesses.

"We firmly believe that business operators are best placed to answer such questions, not onlookers," Ms Kitto said.

"The Chamber will then use that information to brief those persons wishing to stand for Council, so that our councillors hit the ground running, and do not take years to be brought up to speed.

"We invite any person wishing to stand for the new Council to make contact with the Chamber so that they may inform themselves on the business issues as soon as possible."

"Today, we commit as a Chamber to work together with the new Council to make the Douglas region the shining example of how a business/Council partnership can and should work, and on the strength of that partnership, act to support existing businesses, attract new businesses and strengthen our community for the future," Ms Kitto said.

Chamber contact details
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Postal Address: PO Box 27, Port Douglas, QLD, 4877, Australia
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