Bloody Ell'! What a response!

Bloody Ell'! What a response!

Will Ellen DeGeneres be the answer to the prayers of the Australian tourism industry? Probably not. But her recent announcement to bring her lucky audience to the lucky country has certainly struck a chord with readers.

Thousands of people from Adelaide to LA have read The Newsport article 'Ellen DeGeneres Show coming to Australia' (Tuesday 15 January 2013) with many leaving shout-outs to their talk show host hero.

"Hello Ellen, Many people may say this, but you are my idol an my only dream would be o met you and get your book signed for me and a photo, I can't wait to met (sic) you :)" wrote Chris Holland of Melbourne.

Did you miss the announcement? Check out the video (top left)

And this from Sarah Phillips in Geelong, "Hi Ellen I love you. The reason I want tickets to your show is that I have watched every show you have ever recorded. I mean every one. I love you so much. Please can I come to your live show. I am your biggest Aussie fan!"

Health supplement company Swisse Wellness have led the charge to bring Ellen and her entourage to Australia in March.