The Viewpoint - Spice up our Espy!

Friday 30 November 2012

The Viewpoint - Spice up our Espy!

Let's face it, the Port Douglas Esplanade, as serene as it can be, is probably not on a tourist's 'Must See' list...I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's dull.

While a highlight of my week is having a coffee at Beaches Cafe or Hi-Tide before work, as I sit at the table and look out towards Four Mile Beach and along the Esplanade my mind ticks over thinking what could be.

For one of the most important stretches of real estate in Port Douglas it currently lacks the sort of atmosphere that people are attracted to.

Here's a thought for arguments sake; ditch the lagoon project, block traffic to the Esplanade and build a waterpark for kids similar to that of Muddies in Cairns. We all know families need to be better catered for in this town, so let's give them more options for cheap entertainment.

I need to backtrack slightly...after closing off the Esplanade to traffic, can we please let local artists and school kids in to paint up those "grey soldier" bollards that line its entire length.  

Port Macquarie's beachfront is alive with colour because people have been let loose on the boulders that line the footpath there.

I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of those bollards, but if they are necessary, perhaps the prison-cell grey could go.

After hours, the Esplanade should come to life with night markets and music and the smell of spicy curries - every night of the week throughout the peak tourist season and perhaps a couple of times a week for the rest of the year.

Town's throughout the world become famous for their night markets - Chang Mai in the north of Thailand springs to mind. Aside from some inclement weather, the night markets over the eclipse period have been hailed a success. Why can't we learn from our successes as well as our failures?

Let's build a beach bar that overlooks Four Mile Beach. Not an Ibiza style dance club, a chilled out place for people to relax and look out over one of the best vistas Australia has to offer. A low impact, highly sustainable "eco-bar" where respect for the surroundings and the beach it overlooks paramount. I'm sure it can be done.

Hey, why not build two?

The point is, in a place people meet, hangout, and generally have a great time, an atmosphere is created that simply can't be achieved at the Esplanade in its current form.

I hear often about a yearning to return to the sleepy fishing village days of Port Douglas. From someone who has called Port home for just three years, trust me, we can't get much sleepier.

Like it or not Port Douglas does need to change to survive into the future. Let's take control and ensure that change is for the better.

Do you agree? Let me know in our 'Have Your Say' section below.