Even a Band-Aid will do

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Even a Band-Aid will do

Port Douglas Police officer-in-charge Sergeant Damian Meadows has called for fast action to resolve issues at the Captain Cook Highway/Port Douglas Road intersection after carnage continued at the black spot last week.

Sergeant Meadows said something is better than nothing in terms of increased safety measures at the intersection.

"I'd just like to see a solution quickly. I know putting a roundabout in there will be at a considerable cost...but if they changed the design or made it smaller in order to get it in there, if that's cheaper and quicker than putting in traffic lights then go with that, if putting in traffic lights is cheaper and quicker then go with that.

"I just want a solution asap," he said.

Sergeant Meadows believed the design of the intersection was partly to blame for the accident toll, while driver inattention was also a large factor.

"The current design is a little bit confusing, particularly when you've got a left turning lane that's giving way to traffic that's turning across oncoming traffic.

"It's one of the only intersections like that that I've ever known.

"They put that slip lane in there to try and reduce accidents. I'm not sure it has reduced them at all, it's just added to the confusion I think."

Despite this apparent confusion, Sergeant Meadows said that an estimated 90 per cent of accidents at the site occurred when turning right into Port Douglas Road into oncoming, south-bound traffic.

He said the financial cost to the community when accidents occur is enormous with substantial resources called into action on each occasion.

"The dollar figure they usually attribute to a fatal accident is around the $2 million mark.

"If you're talking serious injuries, of which we have had a few, you're talking about long-term hospitalisation of people, the impact it has on the health network as well, you've got all your emergency services there to start with, it has to be investigated by police, a decision has to be made on a cause which may proceed to court proceedings as well.

"There was some commitment around the time of the State election that something would be done about it.

"I know that there is a lot they (State Government) need to do around the State and there's no reason why we should be given priority over anyone else...but if they've got a cheap, quick solution to it (it should be done)."

The Newsport attempted to contact State Member for Cook David Kempton but no response was forthcoming.