Budget cuts to hurt centres

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Budget cuts to hurt centres

Community services in Port Douglas and Mossman will be impacted by a State Government decision to cut funding by 10% to 109 Neighbourhood Centres across Queensland.

The news of the cuts came as a shock to Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre Manager Jo de Riva, who said the centre's services have never been in greater demand.

"The uptake of this Centre's activities and services is up by 18 per cent on last year. That's a positive.

"(But) there has been a 10 per cent increase in costs as well because as much as we're wrapped to have more people using the Centre, it's an increasing cost. It doesn't add up for us as a Centre," 
Ms de Riva said.

Ms de Riva said the Centre relies heavily on the support of the community, particularly their 90-strong volunteer team, however funding cuts have cast a shadow over the future of popular programs such as Broadband for Seniors which teaches older members of the community to access the internet.

"We haven't decided how we're going to manage that cut having only just heard about it last week...we've got until January to figure it out.

"I've said to the State Government any reduction in our opening hours will have a multiplier effect. We have our own activities, we have our own Centre services, and we have visiting services.

"There is enough here to meet the needs of the community and we've done that really well.

"How we're supported by this community is amazing, it's amazing...Our funding from the Government at this Centre goes to staff wages and all the other operational costs are not funded by the Government. That's where we pinch, beg, borrow and steal."

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Ms de Riva met with State Minister for Communities Tracey Davis on Sunday to discuss the decision.

"Our view is that a Neighbourhood Centre up here is one of the very few services, and that's why we offer the large range of services and activities that we do which I don't know are consistent with what's delivered across the State.

"Our argument, and the argument of Mareeba, Atherton, Kuranda, Smithfield, Cooktown, Ravenshoe, Mossman Community Centre, is that in our areas, when you affect the funding of these services you're affecting the community."