Carling takes Tinaroo bronze

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Carling takes Tinaroo bronze

On Sunday 19th August we headed up to Lake Tinaroo for the first race of my season. The Cairns Crocs Triathlon Club Sprint Distance consisted of a 750m swim, 20km cycle, and 5km run.

The air temperature was a chilly 17c and water temperature 21c, and a chesty cough which I’d had for over a week leading into the race made it very hard to breathe in the swim leg which put me 2m:40s behind the leaders out onto the bike course.

The bike course was a two laps of 10km out and back with nothing but hills. After 10 kilometres I had cut back 30 seconds from the leaders and had made up several positions.

After the 15km turnaround mark I attacked and made up three positions within 500 metres on a downhill before my chain derailed and I lost all momentum and rolled to a halt and the bottom of the biggest hill climb on the circuit, dropping back to 11th position.

From there I knew the race was lost but was determined to fight back for third place.

A quick transition from bike to run made up a couple of places, then I managed to hold a 3m:30s/km pace for the first two kilometres of the run before I eased off and comfortably moved up into third place by the three kilometre mark.

The last two kilometres weren’t going to be enough distance to catch the leaders so I cruised through for third place finishing three minutes behind the winner.

Next up is Tri-Port Half Iron Distance on 1 September in Port Douglas. The longer distance will suit me better and will be a good chance to see how far off the professional triathletes I am.