Thousands vote for top businesses

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Thousands vote for top businesses

With just over two months to go before voting in the Port Douglas Business Awards closes, Port Douglas Magazine Editor Roy Weavers reports that there has already been a massive response.

Over 7,000 individual votes have been received with more than 200 local companies nominated within the Port Douglas Business Awards categories.

"What's really great about this year’s voting is the number of fresh faces being voted for," Mr Weavers said. 

"A couple of organisations deservedly won back to back awards in the first two years of the awards but there is some really stiff competition this year which could well see a changing of the guard".

Votes are cast purely by the visitors and clients who have had positive experiences whilst in the care of their chosen organisation or personnel. 

Whether it be a great tour, a pleasant retail experience or excellent dining cuisine and service, there is no entry fee for companies, the only way into the awards is to do a great job and get voted for.  And votes are only given if the visitors feel they have had the best of times.

There are three ways for the public to vote:

  • Online via The Newsport home page with a click through on the 'vote here' advert;
  • Via the Port Douglas Magazine which is available for sale in the Port Douglas Newsagency, Coles Supermarkets and IGA (you may even get a copy with compliments from your hotel or resort); or
  • With a voting form which has been made available to shops, tour operators and venues.

On October 20 a Gala Awards evening is being organised at the Sheraton Ballroom where all the awards will be presented and the business community can give itself a well earned pat on the back for a successful year.

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Mr Weavers said he was delighted to announce that the Awards are being supported by a cross section of the local business community with sponsors for each consumer voted category coming from Ray White Real Estate, Exemplar Coaches and Limousines, Signature Staff, Radio Port Douglas and Port Home Loans. 

There are also a number of new Awards this year which will be awarded by a panel of experts including Young Achiever of the Year in association with The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Business Person of the year in association with the Cairns Chamber of Commerce, The Diane Cilento Award for Outstanding Contribution to Local Arts and Entertainment and of course the prestigious Port Douglas Hall of Fame.

"My final message is to all the businesses in town - make sure your customers get the chance to vote for you," Mr Weavers said.

"As previous winners have found, visitors who see consumer awards on your wall or in your shop window immediately recognise that you offer a service that previous visitors have thought so highly of, that they took the trouble to vote. There is no better endorsement for your product".

Tickets for this Gala evening will be on sale shortly.