Port Douglas still a prime destination /NEWSPORT (

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Port Douglas still a prime destination

All through last week the rumours were flowing thick and fast that Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her partner Tim Mathieson were enjoying a holiday in Port Douglas. 

The Newsport were getting daily calls to say that Tim had been spotted on Four Mile Beach walking the dog, and Opens external link in new windowtourismportdouglas.com.au even confirmed they had given advice the previous week regarding private accommodation that would allow dogs (very suspicious), but no one had actually seen her.

Well, it seems the rumours were true. The Prime Minister had indeed selected the prime destination of Port Douglas for her holiday just as many federal politicians and world Presidents had done before her. 

We know US President Clinton had a great time when he chilled out in Port a few years ago, so perhaps he recommended it to President Obama, who, missing out during his recent trip perhaps passed on the tip to Prime Minister Gillard that she had one of the world's finest holiday destinations in her own backyard.

Whether Bill did in fact divulge his favourite Aussie hangout or not, he certainly passed on the scent of power. As locals will recall it was his presidential visit that last brought out the crocodile sighting sign on Port's main beach. This just goes to show you that even the crocs of FNQ are hungry for power.

Our thanks go out to the local legendary birdman Davvyd Brown for his photos of Prime Minister Gillard taken at Zinc Restaurant and Lounge Bar whilst enjoying some local entertainment along Macrossan Street on Saturday evening.

Whatever your politics the fact that the leader of our country has led the way to Port Douglas and been secure enough to have the confidence to stroll around town, maybe the rest of Australia will realise that there is an easy holiday escape from all the hassles our southern and international friends have to endure on a daily basis.

Port Douglas has a well-earned reputation as a safe and secure environment so we look forward to welcoming you for your own prime-time slot.