Tight ends at Mossman Bowls

Friday 3 August 2012

A big congratulations goes to C Andreassen and N Tesch who took out the self selected championship pairs competition on Saturday with a decisive win against R Ashford and Doug Pitt 21-12.

Another big turnout for social bowls on Saturday saw some very close matches:

D Power, R White and D Patterson def. B Davy, R Edwards and P Gorsuch 22-20.
A Valentine, R Morse and B Gard def. M Radlof, D Turnbull and B Field 22-19.
J Maxwell, Zilly and Kiwi def. S Chatterton, G Marsh and D Johnston 20-15.
M Morrison, G Wilmot and J Girgenti def. D Head, G McLean and B McKinnon 23-18.
Winners of the day were T Pisot, L Valentine and D Blain who defeated J Beasley, B Ando and J Bull 28-11.

To cap off the excitement of the weekend Rob Ashford and Davey Blain fought it out in the handicap championships on Sunday with the win narrowly going to Rob with a 25-23 win.

Next Saturday will be Jackpot social bowls as usual and on Sunday B Wolland (-5) will play G Wilmot (+3) in the next round of the handicap singles competition.

Ladies Results

Two games of graded pairs were played with the winners being Maree Crees and Val Robinson (26) defeating Greta Kessler and Greta Burke (18) and Jan Gard and Estelle O’Rourke (25) defeated Maria Mijo and Judy Maxwell (23). Robyn Petrus and Val Sharpe will play Maree Crees and Val Robinson in this weeks game.

Social bowls was played and won by Denise Highland and Carole Maxted (2w+26). Jan Gard won the raffle. Sugar Festival is coming up so please remember the wrapped cent sales. Next meeting day is 9th August at 10.30am.

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