Design the sign!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Design the sign!

While Port Douglas remains one of the most beautiful places in Australia to visit, advertising campaigns telling the world that Cairns is the 'Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef' has led to the erosion of Port's identity.

This loss of identity was highlighted by the Melbourne Business School who said in their report "Port marketing and branding is constrained by Tourism Queensland and messages are diluted with no unique identity."

They added; "Port Douglas is in direct competition with Cairns for the same pool of tourists."

A talking point that has been raised by many readers is the lack of a prominent sign welcoming travellers to Port Douglas - a landmark to reflect that the visitor has arrived at a place like no other.

It seems simple enough, but yet a town that has a vibrant restaurant scene, incredible weather, magnificent beaches, and is the gatew...sorry, that's taken...'entrance to the Great Barrier Reef' has nothing more than a state roads sign saying Port Douglas with an arrow pointing right.

To cut a long story short, we want to see your designs for a landmark sign that can capture the essence of Port Douglas, a sign that visitors would get their photos taken under, a sign that can't be missed. THINK BIG!

We'll be happy to publish entries from Graphic Designers to Grade 1 students, and who knows, if an entry captures the imagination of Port's residents, it could be the new Gateway to Port Douglas!

Send your entry to