Junior DNA match reports

Thursday 26 July 2012

Junior DNA match reports

Treveen Page brings you all the action from Tuesday's round of junior matches in the Douglas Netball Association.

10 Under

The 10/Under competition for Douglas Junior Netball started with the Pythons playing the Wildcatz.

The games started off fast and furious by both teams with the Pythons' defence brilliant. But the Wildcatz stepped up to the challenge proving their defence was just as good with GD, Kate Padovan 

Charlotte Dowling put in 100 per cent for the full four quarters intercepting Wildcatz' passes everywhere.  The second half was just as quick and fast with the Pythons far more accurate in the goal circle. Hannah Durie and Charlotte Dowling proving a great duo for scoring. 

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Jordan Scott showed her stamina by running up and down the court keeping on all the Pythons' tails. Such a great effort by the Wildcatz but not good enough to beat the Pythons this time. 

Final score Pythons 5 def Wildcatz 1. 

The Net Set Go girls played the Gladiators on Court 2 and the teams mixed players to help teach the younger players the basics of the game.

The Net Set Go team shot 4 goals to 3 in the first half. Mikeala Nesbitt and Grace Richardson starred for the Net Set Goers. The Gladiators stepped up their act in the second half and shot 3 goals 
to 1 with the Gladiators just winning by a goal.

Best player for the Gladiators was Keeley Poole. Final score 6-5.

12 Under

The 12/Under competition on Court 2 saw the Poison Apples playing the Miallo Allstars. The game was close and fast with both teams 3 goals apiece at half time.

Miallo Allstars steadied in the third quarter shooting 4 goals with the Apples shooting 2.  The Apples rallied in the last quarter shooting 4 to 1, coming away with the game by 2 goals. 

Final score 9-7. 

Best and Fairest for the Apples was Tiah McLean and for Allstars Jenna Kersell. 

14-16 Under

The 14-16/Under competition on Court 1 had the Rep 12s against the Dynamite, but the Dynamites were too strong winning convincingly over the 12 Reps.

Age and height won the game although the skills of the Rep team shone through and all played well. 

Best and Fairest for Reps was Lana Baxter and for Dynamite Megan Von Keyserlingk. 

Final score Dynamite 38 def. Reps 9. 

The Vipers played the Fusion on Court 2 in a very close game with the score 1-1 at the end of the first quarter. Saisha Schonenberger was on fire intercepting balls in the goal ring keeping the 
Fusion shooters out of the goal ring. 

The Vipers played a tight game down a player throughout the match. 

The final score was 8-7 to the Vipers. 

Players choice for Vipers was Jade Schuck and for Fusion, Lauren Radcliffe. 

The Breakers played the Sapphires on Court 3. The Breakers defended very well but were unable to keep the ball in the goal circle and score goals.

The Sapphires enjoyed the game and were able to take advantage of goal play.  Standout players for the Breakers were Tully Case in defence, Lucy Webster energetic in centre and Jess Viola excellent in defence.

For the Sapphires, Frankie Webster was energetic WD, Lauren Ryan strong with her passing and Daisy Hawkes showed good movement and accurate passing. 

Final score Sapphires 11 def. Breakers 2.http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Newsport-Daily/80551860770?ref=hl