Council to spend $93m on capital works

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Council to spend $93m on capital works

Cairns Regional Council will spend more than $93.7 million in capital works into the region according to the 2012-13 Budget.

A significant portion of works is attributed to transport infrastructure, with $21.3m to be spent on the region’s bridges, road networks, street lighting and implementation of the Cycling and Walking Strategy.

Council’s Water and Waste unit will continue to carry out infrastructure projects within its $32.7m capital works program, which includes the Mossman recylced water scheme.

$350,000 will also be spent on the design and land acquisition for Port Douglas' 20ML reservoir and major inlet and outlet water mains.

“This Capital Works budget displays a commitment to our communities,” Cr Manning said.

Pictured: The Daintree Gateway project will receive $500,000 in funding during this financial year.

“$1m will be spent targeting dust and road shoulder issues throughout the region in the suburban enhancement program and approximately $5.7m will be spent of our road reseal and overlays.

“It is planned that the staged refurbishment of the historic School of Arts Building will go ahead this year at a cost of $3.8 million for the first stage.

“We have also allocated $1m for implementation of the City Centre Master Plan and $500,000 to each of the Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan and Daintree Gateway Master Plan.

“Each of these projects will be ongoing, but this initial expenditure allows us to set the agenda for future improvement works.

The Breakdown

Corporate Services $6.69 million

Planning and Environment $660,000

Community, Sport and Cultural Facilities $17.025 million

  • More than $1 million for the region’s libraries
  • Stage 1 refurbishment School of Arts Building $3.8 million
  • $3.98 million Edmonton Leisure Centre
  • $830,000 Manunda Sporting Precinct

Infrastructure Services $36.65 million:

  • $3 million on drainage projects including the Vulcan Street drainage scheme
  • Transport - $21.3 million including  $4.2 million on road reseals and overlays; $1.5 million road rehabilitation works; $1.025 million on street lighting; $1.2 million Redlynch Intake Road; $1 million Suburban Enhancement Program; $940,000 Barron Gorge Road improvements.
  • Major master plan projects $2 million including $1 million City Centre Master Plan projects and $500,000 each toward Port Douglas Master Plan and Daintree Gateway projects.
  • $500,000 shoreline erosion management works

Water and Waste $32.7 million

  • $1.5 million Portsmith Landfill power generation plant
  • $1.4 million Marlin Coast Waste Water Treatment Plant dewatering system
  • $3.25 million sewer relining program
  • $3.7 million design of recycled water systems for Smithfield Village, Yorkeys Knob and Paradise Palms.