Flood effects still being felt

Thursday 19 July 2012

Flood effects still being felt

The effects of the record rains experienced on the night of Thursday 24 May, when over 300mm fell in Port Douglas in a matter of hours, are still being felt.

Pamela McLellan and her husband Shane of North Balwyn, Victoria, have taken legal action against a Port Douglas resort after flood waters partially filled an underground carpark, damaging their hire car and leaving them with a $2200 excess bill.

Mrs McLellan said she woke on the Friday morning to find her car "completely submerged" and lay the blame at the feet of resort management.

"It was their duty to warn their paying guests that the car park was prone to flooding and therefore to remove their cars. We are so disappointed," she said.

”I don’t know where else we were to park and they were definitely no signs warning of flooding. I just felt that they could have kept an eye on things and then told us to move our vehicles. Seven vehicles suffered the same fate as ours," she said.

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Storm water drains could not cope with the amount of rain received during the night with isolated flooding occurring throughout the region and many streets severely affected by the deluge.

Questions over whether the drains had been adequately maintained by Cairns Regional Council remain, and The Newsport has not yet received an official response from Regional Manager for Douglas, Liz Collyer.

Mrs McLellan said the experience has not dampened her appreciation of Port Douglas.

"We were absolutely delighted with our holiday in Port Douglas until disaster struck. We had been looking forward to this break for a long time and were thoroughly enjoying our stay in Port Douglas.

"Our view of Port Douglas was not tarnished," she added.

Home page image by Bernerd Lentern

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