Parks at a premium

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Parks at a premium

Macrossan Street traders may be contributing to a slump in trade by parking in car spaces which may otherwise be used by shoppers.

During recent discussions on the topic of the benefits and pitfalls of closing a section of Macrossan Street to traffic, the issue of parking was raised by readers who believe traders and employees need to be mindful of clogging the street with their vehicles.

"I am also at a loss as to why shopkeepers and their staff park in Macrossan Street and some outside their place of business, or their neighbour’s frontage," Leona Brown of Port Douglas said.

"If all those cars were to park elsewhere then maybe it would give the tourists a chance to park and shop."

Do you agree? Let us know below.

It's one of a number of traffic-related issues that have been raised in recent times. With the increase in vehicles in the town centre during peak visitor periods, readers are reporting pedestrian "hot spots" where accidents with vehicles have been narrowly avoided.

The intersections at Macrossan and Davidson Streets, and Port and Davidson Streets have been identified as areas where particular care needs to be taken, while the lack of footpaths on Warner 
Street continues to force pedestrians to walk on the road.

Drivers passing through the pedestrian crossings in Macrossan Street also need to maintain concentration and be on the lookout for people crossing the road.

Had or seen a close call? Where did it happen? Let us know below.