Port Douglas Magazine launches online

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Port Douglas Magazine launches online

The popular Port Douglas Magazine has gone global after launching Edition 8 on tourismportdouglas.com.au ahead of a hard copy launch at the end of the month.

The magazine, whose cover proudly displays local triathlete Nick Carling with a sparkling Coral Sea in the background, will enable a substantially larger audience to read about the region according to its publisher Roy Weavers.

"This strategy ensures the magazine's articles, images, and advertisers reach a readership that simply couldn't be reached with a paper-based publication alone.

"tourismportdouglas.com.au receives the highest number of visits than any other website in our region so it's the perfect vehicle to promote the magazine," he said.

In the past 12 months almost half a million visits were made to the site resulting in 1.7 million pages views, with around 30 per cent of those accessing the site from mobile devices.

The online launch is part of a broader plan to grow the magazine, both geographically and physically with Edition 8's pagination increasing from 56 to 72.

Hard copy magazines will flood the Douglas, Cairns, and Atherton Tablelands markets beginning at the end of July.

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