Support grows to close Macrossan

Monday 9 July 2012

Support grows to close Macrossan

Support for the full or partial closure of Macrossan Street to enable a more enjoyable visitor experience appears to be growing.

Since the decision to restrict the outdoor dining area of local cafe Under Wraps was made public, a number of readers of The Newsport have backed the concept which would, at minimum, see traffic restricted to one-way travel.

"Stop the cars," wrote Gavin Hardy of Mowbray. "Diners can have more space, businesses can fit more people, Port Douglas looks alive and vibrant. No fear of getting knocked over by a noisy smelly car.... cause there aren't any. No need for crossings.

"It works in so many places. And could be the thing we need to give the place a boost. Think outside the road people. It's time we gave priority to people and businesses...not cars and trucks."

It's a view that prompted former Port Douglas resident and now Sydneysider Ben Murphy to write to Division 10 Councillor Julia Leu (read Mr Murphy's letter here).

"...(to) make Macrossan Street a more open and attractive thoroughfare for both businesses and visitors I suggest making one side a landscaped corso for outdoor dining, a place to encourage musicians to play to add some atmosphere to the main street.
"A place where families have a large open space to walk and can enjoy the shops and the beautiful weather, families that would stay around longer and more than likely spend more money."

Do you think a section Macrossan Street should be closed to traffic? Take part in our poll (left)

Diana Clifford of Port Douglas added her voice to the chorus of calls to change the town's traffic flow.
"I have thought for a long time that to make Macrossan St a Boulevarde and restrict all motor traffic - using Warner St instead for motor traffic - would be an asset to this town,"

Comparisons to other towns who have successfully implemented no traffic zones have also been drawn including Mooloolaba and Hasting St in Noosa.

"I too believe Macrossan Street should be a one way street with cafes and restaurants stretching out just like Moolooaba (sic)," said Jill Dixon of Wantirna in Victoria.

"The footpaths are too narrow in Port and can be dangerous to pedestrians. Something should be done to make your stay at a restaurant with the wonderful warm days and nights very hard to leave."

Do you think a section Macrossan Street should be closed to traffic? Take part in our poll (left)