Cochrane's lonely lunch
Wednesday 11 April 2012
Cochrane's lonely lunch

Aspiring Mayor Margaret Cochrane visited Port Douglas and Mossman on Monday to campaign for support from the north of the region.
Unfortunately, few members of the community were present to hear her thoughts at a sausage sizzle in Port Douglas, and she acknowledged the timing was poor but unavoidable due to a hectic schedule.
Cr Cochrane cited a lack of communication with residents as a contributing factor to the growing push for deamalgamation, and highlighted the recent coconut palm removal and lagoon design as examples where Council's consultation broke down.
She said a lot of the problems were due to the "tyranny of distance" with the Council's base in Cairns, and vowed to establish more open lines of communication.
Despite this, Cr Cochrane does not support holding Council meetings at their Mossman offices saying it was too expensive to transport all of the divisional councilors to the area.
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She proposed more informal quarterly catch ups whereby residents could meet and talk to the region's councilors at locations such as Anzac Park.
On the issue of deamalgamation, Cr Cochrane believes there is currently insufficient income generated from the Douglas region to cover the costs of running an independent Shire, estimating current revenue at $34 million.
She said she was concerned a re-formed Douglas region would see the same massive increases in rates as other deamalgamated councils.
Making flouride in the water supply optional, having a works department based in Mossman, and seeing local businesses submitting tenders for large landscaping and infrastructure projects were things Cr Cochrane would like to see happen should she become Mayor after the 28 April elections.
Cochrane's Community Alliance team will not be running a candidate in Division 10.