Excitement aplenty for music festival
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Excitement aplenty for music festival
This Saturday’s Port Douglas Community Garden Music Festival has been officially launched.
Around 50 people turned out to the Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club on Monday to kick off the festival with champagne, nibbles and the dulcet tones of Frank Frikker singing songs from the project’s recently-launched CD.
This Saturday’s festival will be held on Mowbray Street, Port Douglas, directly opposite the Port Douglas Community Centre (where residents will vote in the state elections) to raise funds for the town’s community garden.
At least 10 local musical acts will play throughout the course of the day, with organisers super excited about the first Wujal Wujal-based act to play in Port Douglas, Cold Water Band.
Other local acts include the Hillbilly Goats, The Walker Brothers, Mossman State High School Jazz Band, Omid Master, Kim Hurley and K-Star and the Cubby House Kids.
Weather permitting, the acts will be played at two locations, the Clink Theatre and Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, between 9am and 6.30pm, with a bar open at noon.
Monday’s launch also saw the raffling of one of the project’s major prizes, an oil painting called “Buddha with Bamboo” by Linda Lorywood, which was won by Chris from Jam Jar Car Rentals.
Approximately 150 tickets were sold in the raffle, resulting in $680 being raised for the community garden.
This Saturday’s event on Mowbray Street is free of charge.
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