Council on the nose says key player

Monday 5 December 2011

Council on the nose says key player

The Newsport spoke with Robert Hanan, a key player in the move toward the reformation of a Douglas Shire Council, and asked him why he believes deamalgamation is the only way forward.

Here's what he had to say.

The Newsport: Why is deamalgamation important? Shouldn't we just accept the amalgamation and find a way for it to work best for us?

Robert Hanan: De-amalgamation is important simply because amalgamation from day one has not delivered an equitable result for Douglas. The over bureaucratic and dictatorial culture of CRC has no place in a community that fought hard over many years to achieve a collaborative efficient society which engaged in meaningful consultation before making decisions.

There is enormous wastage witnessed every day with a shire that is run from at the very least 70 kilometres away. It will never work when we have one voice, strong and all as it currently is, amid a sea of disinterested and jealous Councillors.

The place was not built by people who were happy to lie back and think of England.

TN: What role do you see Division 10 councillor, Julia Leu, playing in this issue?

RH: Julia will do what she has done from the start - independently vote for what she sees best for the region as a whole and to fight fearlessly for Douglas issues.

She no doubt sees what we have lost and she can see what things may have improved. She is also astute enough to see both the benefits of de-amalgamation and the pitfalls. While she is not on the speakers list on Monday 12th her opinions will be sought on the night.

TN: What will improve under a Douglas Shire Council?

RH: Self determination as to what is important to us and an ability to direct our rates to those issues.

TN: There has been scathing remarks from some locals about the former Douglas Shire Council's infighting and effectiveness. If this was the case, what will change?

RH: We have a Governance plan that will be revealed on the night. The Governance of the last Council ultimately resided with the State Government. In spite of the DSC Mayor writing to the Local Government Minister requesting that Council be sacked they did absolutely nothing.

Many Councils throughout Australia have faced this issue and many have been sacked. It could be argued that the current Council is equally dis-functional. Gangs of four or six or whatever the number always emerge from the sludge of life.

It remains abundantly clear that many people should never be let anywhere near public office and voters need to be clear on the ethical standards they apply when they cast their vote.

TN: Do you think Port Douglas is at risk of becoming an economic ghost town, and how would a new Council attract different industries to the region?

RH: A return to self determination would allow the community to address these pressing issues but a return to a smaller, more vibrant and collaborative society will return the positive spirit that existed before.

That will be inspiring enough for the people to see thing innovatively, efficiently and sustainably. Fresh new eggs will hatch. 

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