No roundabout or lights for black spot
Wednesday 12 October 2011

No roundabout or lights for black spot

A Main Roads Department safety audit has found no fault with the notorious Captain Cook Highway and Port Douglas Road intersection, halting a public push for a roundabout or traffic lights to be installed.
The safety audit of the infamous intersection, which has been the subject of ongoing crashes this year, found existing infrastructure provided motorists with adequate visibility to move safely through the intersection.
Minor changes, including relocating road signage and repainting linemarking to improve safety for motorists turning right into Port Douglas Road, will take place as a result.
The report stated it supported the opinion of Queensland Police Service that crashes were caused by motorists driving without due care and attention and that signals or a roundabout wouldn’t be suitable in the short-term due to low traffic volumes.
Engineers also looked at traffic volumes and crash history and analysed existing physical factors at the intersection, including linemarking, signage, lighting, speed limit and visibility.
Roadside vegetation on the southbound approach to the intersection will also be cut back to improve visibility for motorists approaching the intersection from the north.
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Editor's Comments: I agree that the majority of accidents would be caused by drivers not paying attention, or losing concentration, but don't traffic lights and roundabouts cause people to snap out of their daze and focus on what's ahead? I wonder what will happen if there is a serious accident after these works are done? Let's hope we don't have to find out.