Ask Val

Monday 10 October 2011
Ask Val
Dear Val What roles and responsibilities do Council have in policing Four Mile Beach, are current laws ever enforced, and what is the most effective way in deterring bad behaviour which disrupts residents and the environment? From: Concerned residents, Port Douglas. Response from Cairns Regional Council Mayor, Val Schier. Council officers regularly inspect the beaches as part of their morning camping patrols and in response to complaints but this is usually from 6am. The behaviour outlined in the query (lighting fires, noise, drunken behaviour, rubbish) usually are associated with the same activity. Typically these fires are lit after dark (usually very late) and Council officers on-call have been instructed not to attend these parties as it is dangerous for them to deal with drunken mobs after dark. The number of complaints received and the actual number of problem fires on Four Mile Beach is not large. However, for the past 18-24 months there have been regular drunken parties and fires in one particular area of the beach off the end of Garrick Street. These parties occur when the alcohol service stops at some establishments, in which case they move to this area. It seems these parties have been organised in advance. These parties have been directly affecting two residential properties in that area, both by the actual party and the movement of people along the path to and from the party. It appears that backpackers are largely involved in these parties. Council officers have attended the beach in the morning after these parties to find people still asleep and have taken appropriate action to ensure the sites are cleaned up, fires extinguished, confiscated items, issued fines etc. However, the behaviour (noise, drinking) is a police issue and has been the subject of a number of discussions with the police in the past and over the last two years. Have you got a question to ask one of our elected representatives? Simply click on the image of the politician you'd like a response from and ask away. Your question will be emailed to us at The Newsport and we will seek an answer from that pollie on your behalf. Once we hear back we'll post your question and the answer in a dedicated page of The Newsport just like this one. Please ensure you provide your full name and town of residence, as these details will be posted on the website with your question. To make this whole exercise worthwhile, make sure your questions are topical and preferably affect the community as a whole (why your dog only eats cat food probably won't make the grade). And remember, our elected reps can be contacted through their offices directly if you'd prefer. We just like to share and share alike. |