Policelink saves 130 officers
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Policelink saves 130 officers
As part of October’s Crime Prevention Month, Member for Cook Jason O'Brien MP has encouraged local residents to make the most of the new Policelink phone service.
Mr O'Brien said the Policelink service was specifically introduced to receive and manage calls about incidents which are not threatening or immediately occurring, but do need to be brought to the attention of police.
“Crime Prevention Month is the perfect opportunity to remind the community about the new Policelink service which is now in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” he O'Brien said.
Policelink does not replace the 000 service. If there is an emergency people are advised to call 000.
“It’s estimated that Policelink will handle more than two million calls per year and free up 260,000 police hours, or the equivalent of more than 130 full time officers,” Mr O'Brien said.
“Crime Prevention Month is a chance for local residents to participate and contribute towards making our local community an even better place to live. I want to encourage any member of our local community with an interest in community safety to be a part of this.”
Non-urgent or non-life threatening incidents can be brought to the attention of Police by dialing the Policelink service on 131 444.
More information on Crime Prevention Month can be obtained by contacting your local police station.