Girls Night In fun at Mossman Bowls
Monday 3 October 2011
Girls Night In fun at Mossman Bowls

A charity bowls night will be held at the Mossman Bowls Club on Saturday October 8, to raise funds and awareness for women’s cancers.
The Girls Night In event will raise vital funds for Cancer Council Queensland’s work in research and patient support for families affected by women’s cancers.
The Mossman Port Douglas Volunteer Branch of Cancer Council Queensland will host the event and all locals are welcome to attend.
Secretary of the Mossman Port Douglas Volunteer Branch, Raelene McDonald, is co-ordinating the Girls Night In event and said will be a fun community event.
“We have planned a perfect ladies evening with hairdressing challenge, shoe decorating competition, a fashion parade, DJ and lots of raffles,” she said.
“Girls Night In is an easy and fun way to fundraise for the Cancer Council’s research and patient support and it’s a great opportunity to remind your friends of the importance of early detection and cancer screening, like having a regular Pap smear.”
Funds raised from Girls Night In will help Cancer Council Queensland in many ways.
“By getting involved you are showing your support for the thousands of grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and friends diagnosed with cancer each year.
“Anyone can host a Girls Night In by having fun with girlfriends and making a real difference to research, cancer prevention and patient support services,” she said.
The Mossman Port Douglas Volunteer Branch’s Girls Night In will be held at the Mossman Bowls Club on Saturday October 8 from 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Tickets cost $20 and can be purchased at Ives Mensland in Mossman and Salon Z in Port Douglas.
For more information about Girls Night In, please visit www.girlsnightin.com.au or call 1300 65 65 85 for more details.