Road Rage!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Road Rage!

Yet another accident has occurred at the infamous intersection of Captain Cook Highway and Port Douglas Road.

The accident, which occurred just before 6pm on Sunday night, comes just one week before a Main Roads Department investigation will reveal if upgrades are required at the notorious intersection.

Port Douglas Police say initial investigations show that a northbound sedan collided with a southbound utility, as the northbound car was attempting to turn right into Port Douglas Road.

A 67-year-old Port Douglas woman, believed to be the driver of the northbound car, was taken to Mossman Hospital with leg and facial lacerations, as was the 27-year-old Gordonvale man who sustained chest bruising.

Both are believed to be in a stable condition.

Sergeant officer-in-charge, Damian Meadows, says while both drivers could have received much more serious injuries, the local driver may be charged with driving without due care and attention.

“Of the four accidents reported to police at this site since January 1 this year, three were caused by locals,” Sergeant Meadows said.

“So we can’t say that tourists are causing these accidents, our offenders are locals, they should know the history of the intersection and take more care.”

Sergeant Meadows said in the same period last year (January 1 to September 26, 2010), only one accident was reported to police at the intersection, which may impact the results of the investigation in which many locals are hoping for the installation of a roundabout.

“As a result of the enquiry, they’ll either do nothing to the intersection, or they’ll install traffic lights,” he said.

“Ninety-five per cent of problems at traffic lights are rear-end accidents.

“While roundabouts don’t have as many rear-enders, people don’t know how to use them properly or drive around them too quickly, resulting in roll-overs.

“But if people were to drive with the appropriate care and attention, these accidents wouldn’t happen.”