Cor! What a scorcher!
Tuesday 27 September 2011

Cor! What a scorcher!

Have you noticed a distinct change in the weather lately? If so your internal thermometer is spot on as temperatures are on the rise according to the Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM).
Temperatures nearing 30 degrees this week have people dusting off their fans and kicking off their doonas as Winter gives way to Spring.
Bill O'Connor, forecaster for the BOM, said it's all down to a change of the seasons.
"We're starting to get the belt of high pressure, or sub-tropical wind slipping further south, we should start seeing more of a south-easterly flow.
"While we're getting that we're getting a little bit more cloud which is going to keep the minimum temperatures a little bit warmer.
"We're in that transition period I suppose you could say between those Winter months and coming into Spring and Summer."
Mr O'Connor said the next three months will be in contrast with the same period last year when the region experienced heavy rains.
"This time last year we were talking about La Nina and getting wetter and wetter and wetter. At the moment we're looking at an almost neutral pattern. As such rainfall in the area from now until the end of November is going to be pretty close to normal (60mm in October, 90mm in November)."
Image by Kelly Hough