Allstars live up to their name

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Allstars live up to their name

by Treveen Page


Round 15 of the Douglas Junior Netball Competition started on Court 1 with the 10/Under Diamonds playing the Gladiators at Port Courts.

The Diamonds came out firing with a 3 goal to nil first quarter with Kyah Francis using the goal circle well, and with some great coaching from oppostion coach and senior goal shooter Aimee Watson, excelled with her goal shooting.  

Amelia Lee put in a fantastic defensive game and Charlotte Dowling made great use of the court creating space and calling her leads well done!  

The Gladiators shot the next 3 goals to nil over the next 2 quarters. Sophee Watson put in a brilliant defensive game and little Eva Mellows up from Net Set Go created some great play. Georgia McCarthy was again excellent in defence.  

Final score Diamonds 7 def. Gladiators 4.  

On Court 2 the Saints played the Tigers. The game was played defensively with no score in the first quarter then 2 apiece in the next.

For the Saints, Myah Lowenstein-Jones was excellent running out to bring the ball up to the circle, while Paige Bellero played a great game - as a new-comer she has settled into the game well. Jay Heidke put in a brilliant centre performance.  

The Tigers are improving as a team with the training is paying off. Carla Young was excellent through defence, Heide Pashen created many opportunities for her team, and Tara Smith was strong in her attacking game.  

Final score Tigers 4 def. Saints 3.

The 12/Under Crocs played the Panthers on Court 1, and Nicky Samson played well in centre creating many plays for her team. Phoenix Scott-Spackman was yet again fantastic in and around the goal circle, Chloe Whyte put in a strong defensive performance, and Maisy Garde was noticible with some slick passing.

Tully Case was outstanding in her defensive role for the Panthers - she is reading the play well and standing up for her team. Allie Siebel did some excellent and accurate passing, and the ever realiable Georgia Kelly was awesome in defence - she pulls the
ball in with great spirit and displays good vision.

Jade Reed defended well and Bonnie Francis guarded her opponent grimly.  

Final score Crocs 10 def. Panthers 4.  

The Allstars played the Sparks on Court 2, and for the Allstars, Eliza Markham showed some very nice shooting especially in the third quarter, while Liana Pelegrinet timed her leads well with accurate passing.

Mikeala Goodwin, normally defence, got her wish and played goal attack for the last half and shot some nice goals.  

The Sparks showed some great play. Elkie Burnett worked hard in defence along with Denby Woods and Tiah McLean who made a big combination for their team. Cartier Bennett positioned herself well and showed some great passing.  

Final score Allstars 37 def. Sparks nil.  

The Magic played Miallo on Court 3, and the Magic team, with Cian Dansken positioning herself well on the court to take the intercepts, were excellent. Casilda Creek and Samaria Denman combined brilliantly to take the ball down the court, and thanks to Jasmine Kirk and Sophie Kirk for playing up from the Gladiators.  

Miallo put in a strong game but were under pressure. Sophie May played well in defence, Lily Wicks's passing was excellent and Georgia Duncan moved the ball well out of defence, well done!  

Final score Miallo 5 def. Magic 4.  

The 14/Under competition on Court 1 saw the Judamalies play the Vipers, and the Judamalies, who were short a couple of players, were a little slow to get their rhythm going in the first quarter.

Thanks to Nicky Samson, Samaria Denman and Lily Davies for playing up from 12/Under.  

After the first quarter the team played well and Frankie Webster was fantastic in defence. Holly Brown showed great use of the goal circle - she is getting stronger in her game each week - and Brittany Bowen lead well.  

The Vipers started with a 4 goal lead in the first quarter but only matched the Judamalies for the next 3 quarters. Jeorgia Westgate showed nice use of the goal circle and Taylor Killeen shot very well for goal.

Akasha Francis, when she couldn't get her hands on the ball, drop kicked it instead, entertaining but not quite the desired result!  

Final score Vipers 14 def. Judamalies 9.  

The  12/Under Reps played the Dynamite, and the Reps showed great court work with fast and accurate passing. Maddy Malone ran well to the ball creating many opportunities, Casilda Creek was brilliant in defence and had a decisive win in a ball up.  

For the Dynamite, Simone Pringle has great vision, the usual brilliant defence by Eleisha Mealing was evident, and there was great work down the court with Yasmine and Emma Stievano.

Brydie Tregea put in a strong attack and Bronte Lowenstein-Jones shot very well for goal.  

Final score Dynamite 12 def Reps 4.
The Douglas Junior Netball Carnival will be held on 28 August. Coaches are urged to nominate their teams urgently and should you not have a team playing and you wish to play please let Sharon or Treveen know and we will make up teams accordingly.  

Cut off for nominations is 14 August. Contact or phone 0438 120 855.