Old Port Road to close?

Friday 29 July 2011

Old Port Road to close?

Two local residents have begun a crusade to reduce the level of traffic using Old Port Road as a short cut to and from town.

Tim Marks, a civil engineer, and wife Roz, have written a detailed submission on behalf of concerned residents of the area which has been sent to Infrastructure Services general manager of Cairns Regional Council, Ross McKim.

Mr and Mrs Marks, who purchased a property in Birdwing street in 2007, say that the majority of vehicles using Old Port Road do not need to be there.

"The only vehicles that should use Old Port Road are those vehicles accessing the various residential properties.

POLL - Should commercial vehicles be banned from Old Port Rd?
POLL RESULTS: 157 Yes : 152 No
POLL CLOSED: 8 August 2011

"The properties to the Craiglie end of Old Port Road may be developed into additional light commercial use. This will further increase the volume of commercial traffic using the Old Port Road route as a short cut into town."

The couple say noise from the increasing number of vehicles including buses, trucks, and motorbikes is having an adverse affect on property prices in the area.

"The large increase in traffic, and in particular heavy vehicles, has had a corresponding increase in noise levels. The road surface itself contributes to the noise generated by speeding vehicles as well as engine noise, loud radios etc.

"In the current economic climate any adverse affect on property values is felt very keenly...since 2007 the traffic volume has increased out of proportion to the properties serviced by Old Port Road, and safety concerns along with noise levels are having a negative impact on property values along Old Port Road.

Mr and Mrs Marks outlined three possible solutions in their submission including:

  • Sound reduction measures such as "landscaped batters";
  • Closing a section of Old Port Road between the roundabouts at Nautilus Street and Yiki Street;
  • Introducing traffic control and traffic "calming" measures such as 'Local Traffic Only' signage and speed bumps.

"Old Port Road is used as a walking and bike route by adults and children so safety is a concern," Mr Marks said. "Also the speed and volume and poor visibility through the roundabouts is of concern.

"There have been unreported accidents at night on the road and vehicles removed prior to daylight," he said.

To date over 40 residents have signed a petition in support of the proposal.

POLL - Should commercial vehicles be banned from Old Port Rd?
POLL RESULTS: 157 Yes : 152 No
POLL CLOSED: 8 August 2011