DAB exhibition draws a crowd

Tuesday 5 July 2011

DAB exhibition draws a crowd

The Douglas Arts Base held its spectacular mid-year exhibition recently at the DAB premises on Mill Street in Mossman.

Nearly 150 guests including members and visitors, some from interstate, were in attendance to see the official opening by Mayor Val Shier who was impressed with the standard and variety of artworks on show and stated that DAB is a valuable asset to the community.

Also in attendance Councilors Julia Leu and Rob Pyne who both enjoyed the evening festivities with their partners and who had the chance to meet and discuss the arts with a range of DAB members and guests.

"Council support of DAB to date has made it possible to have a number of outstanding exhibitions per year that are a showcase for the work our members produce each semester," said DAB's Nada Petrasevic.

"Our members range in age from school age children to mature ladies and gentlemen who enjoy the social atmosphere and great facilities with professional tuition," Ms Petrasevic said.

Digby Gotts welcomed guests in a huge Cassowary costume, and Wonga Beach artist Gwen Beitzel took out the popular vote for her 'Figs' painting sponsored by Cairns Office Supplies and Whet café bar restaurant Cape Tribulation.

The DAB second semester timetable and enrollment details are now available from the Douglas Arts Base premises, and also on the DAB website.

"DAB is now offering a much wider range of art tuition with courses and classes to cater for anyone." Ms Petrasevic said.

Upcoming events include a dual venue art sale to be held on 30 - 31 July at QCWA Port Douglas and DAB. This will be followed by the 'Older is Bolder' exhibition to coincide with Seniors Week with an opening afternoon on August 19.

A major photography exhibition and sale will be held in Mid September, and also look out for the DAB promotional stand at the Mossman Show in July.