Focus Feature: Thinking B.I.G. in Mossman

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Focus Feature: Thinking B.I.G. in Mossman

By Roy Weavers

We are delighted to present this weeks 'Business Focus Feature' about a brand new business group that has just been formed in Mossman making a tuition range of new business skills and services available to the area. 


The Business Initiative Group (B.I.G) is comprised of three qualified owner/operators, each operating as an individual within the group.  The owners are Wendy Casey who looks after Small Business by offering a range of services to new business enterprises.  IT expert Scott Fleming provides support services and technology assistance for businesses to keep up-to-date in the IT world.  And last but by no means least, Liz Ross, who delivers short, concise training programs from one hour to one day comprising both software training and customer service. 


Liz will be starting by offering a range of short programs such as Introduction to Computers, how to use the Internet,how to use Google, Start-up Skype etc.  Her next major goal is to establish herself as an RTO.  (Registered Training Organisation).


Although the business in its current format started only about 2 months ago, both Wendy and Scott have been in the local area for a considerable period of time.


And Liz has extensive experience in her field with two degrees from the University of Technology Sydney.  Bachelor of Teaching with Distinction with post graduate studies in Communication and a Bachelor of Education specialising in Adult Education.  She also has Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessing and the Diploma of Business Administration and Certificate IV in Frontline Management to name just a few.


Liz Ross , originally from Wollongong, NSW only moved here a couple of months ago but she brings with her a comprehensive teaching background which includes in-depth knowledge of the training market and what is required in terms of training, delivery, industry need, compliance, reporting and audit.


She is a passionate believer in learning.  Learning is meant to be fun.  To be curious to challenge your own limitations.  To find out, to examine, to analyse. To say I can learn that. 


Her favourite quotation by Einstein sums up her own philosophy...'Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school'.


She says "Many people think that once school is over, then they are able to get on with their life and education is behind them.  In the workplace of today we need to start accepting and working with the theory that we are going to be lifelong learners.  That is if we want to keep our jobs.  We need to adapt, to change, to update, to up-skill".


Liz's daughter gave her the idea for this new venture.  "She was always on about trees and I thought one day, yes from little things big things grow.  So that is now my tag on my email. Yes, it is also someone else’s idea, your readers can figure that out.  However, if it has meaning, go with it".


The current products and services offered include Business Support, IT and Training in computer software, business administration, and if someone has a belief that something is needed in the area, let us know and we will examine all the options. Once RTO status is achieved, the Business Initiative Services we will be unique in the local area.


We think of B.I.G as a one stop shop for the individual, the small business owner and anyone considering going into business or needing IT support or training for employees and the individual.


On her service fees she's says, "Well, I am not a hairdresser or a beautician.  Not that they are pricy, but it will be interesting to see what one will pay for my service.  As a start-up incentive, I have a charge out rate of $40.00 plus GST.  If you can find a friend and say you want to learn how to use Skype.  For yourself and your friend the rate will be $30.00 each plus GST. I can provide a computer or you can use your own.  If you need notes, I can show you how to take effective notes, so you can go away and practice".


Liz is very keen to get everyone comfortable on a computer, she says "To watch some people use the mouse you would think you are asking them to pick up a red hot poker.  But after a very short time the difference is amazing". 


LIz Ross has a remarkable talent for teaching and a passion for helping others learn.    Another quote this time from Benjamin Disraeli.  "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own".


To get further details on hers and/or the other two parts of the Business Initiative Group just phone Wendy 0439 818 210, Scott 0438 709 568 and Liz 0421 906 502 OR visit their office at shop 2-22 Front Street, Mossman (in between the Kodak shop and a Fabric shop).