The Viewpoint - Bad service costs us all

Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Viewpoint - Bad service costs us all


With visitors beginning to rediscover our region for another year, the following Viewpoint sent in by Mike Mabbutt from Cairns is a timely reminder to lift our collective game when it comes to service levels in town.

We have decided not to publish the names of the businesses where Mike and his wife experienced sub-standard service. In the end it doesn't matter as the entire town pays the price.

The Viewpoint - Bad service costs us all
by Mike Mabbutt

I'm not really given to sending negative views to papers, usually I just shrug and pass it by, but as I love Port Douglas so much and have been a regular local visitor for the last 26 years, I thought I should pass this on.

We recently spent a weekend over Easter staying at <Name Withheld>. Firstly, it was great to see the place was so busy, we could hardly get a place to eat but managed a late booking at <Name Withheld>.

When we got there, a fairly abrupt maitre de asked if we had a booking, we said yes, he said wait a minute whilst he checked and then said wait in the bar whilst a table was cleared. Meanwhile another couple arrived right behind us to dine but were asked if they had a booking to which they said no.

Our friendly maitre de responded they couldn't dine as they were fully booked. Full stop. No, "sorry lets see what we can do, or can we book you tomorrow?" We sat down and counted four tables that were empty and indeed stayed that way the rest of the night.

Good to see that <Name Withheld> is doing so well it doesn't need any more bookings.

Then we walked home and stopped for a drink at <Name Withheld>. I waited at the bar, whilst a snooty bar woman took no notice of me even though it was quite quiet...eventually she asked "are you right?" to which I responded "no I'm not!" She then said "you won't get served there, thats the service area so you can't stand there." I said "why don't you put a sign up then?" She said "we have and pointed to a sign pasted to the counter about two metres down the bar. I told her 'I didn't see it obviously, to which she responded "well do you want to be served or not!"

I should have told her what to do with her beer but unfortunately didn't but drunk up with my wife vowing not to go back and to tell everyone I know to do the same.

Next thing was we ran out of sugar at the hotel so my wife went down to see if she could get a couple of sachets from reception. The blonde woman (I'm told she's the owners/managers wife?) replied "what about the sugar in your room?" My wife said we've used it up as we've stayed two days....this rude woman said "well that's just a starter pack and refused to give any to my wife!

We're talking two sachets of sugar here. I hear this isn't the first time this arrogant excuse of a receptionist has treated others like it, but it will be the last as far as we're concerned.

Finally, we went up for a coffee to the <Name Withheld> in the middle of Macrossan Street and I don't think I've ever seen such an unhappy bunch of people serving in all my life.

I know it was busy as it was Anzac Day but if they can't handle the pressure maybe they shouldn't have opened...eventually we got our coffee (which thankfully was very nice) but when the waitress delivered it, she couldn't even be bothered (or just didn't notice) all the dirty dishes that surrounded us which could easily have been picked up on her return to the kitchen.

We were going to come to the Carnivale which we have done for the last few years but have now decided to not bother. This would have been a table booking for ten. With the evenings expenses plus accommodation, restaurants etc. for the two nights stay, I reckon that's worth about $5-6000 which might not sound a lot, but multiply that up with other people's experiences which go unreported, and suddenly you might start to understand why things aren't quite going as well as they should be.

I can't believe that some establishments in Port Douglas have sunk to this sort of surly, unhelpful and rude attitude at a time when the hospitality industry- just like everyone else, is experiencing difficult times.

Port is supposed to be a world class holiday destination but the way in which these individuals served us was more like a hillbilly hick town where people couldn't give a toss.

As I've already said, I never usually complain, I actually love Port and will continue to come as it's such a great place, but certainly won't be visiting the establishments I've mentioned.

Maybe they don't care either, but I do, I want to see Port Douglas prosper as I have many business friends there and know how hard they are finding it at the moment. I want to be able to keep coming as it's such a normally classy destination, but right now, it's perfectly evident that it's not just the rainforest that's dense in Port Douglas.

I don't expect those places we visited to take note, but hopefully others will and in doing so will pick up the business these places are going to lose.

Finally, I should mention that the owner of Tommy Bahama clothes shop was absolutely charming and a true professional, maybe those lacking the requisite skills from the above mentioned businesses should pay a visit and take a leaf out of their book, they might learn something.


Mike Mabbutt