Warmest decade ever a wake up call
Monday 6 December 2010
Warmest decade ever a wake up call
If you think it seems hotter now than when you were younger you'd be absolutely right as the latest global weather research confirms.
Scientists from Australian are studying the data which shows that the last ten years has been the hottest decade since climate statistics started being recorded in 1850.
In addition, the United Nations weather agency predicts that this year is likely to be on of the hottest three years on record.
It has been well publicised that Australia will be one of the hardest hit countries to be affected by the warming of the planet, with harsher and more sustained droughts, stronger and more frequent cyclone activity, and a devastated Great Barrier Reef just some of the changes we can expect.
Heavy rainfall around most of the country has been attributed to a La Nina, a phenomenon that sees the cooling of central and eastern parts of the Pacific ocean resulting in wetter conditions in Australia. Drought conditions are expected to return.
The latest figures were released at the UN's climate change conference in Cancun, Mexico, and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) who compiled the stats said the affects of the warmer conditions have been felt around the world including:
- Pakistan's worst flooding in history;
- Drought in the Amazon rainforest;
- Heat waves across Russia; and
- Accelerated melting of sea ice in the Artic.
The WMO reported that sea and land temperatures in 2010 are around half a degree warmer than the annual average recorded between 1961 and 1990.
Reporter's comments: It is timely that these figures are released as the Australian Government heads to Cancun with a greenhouse gas emissions target of just 5% below year 2000 levels by 2020 (climatologists say a minimum of 25% are required).
The Government continues to be short sighted, pandering to lobby groups who have a vested interest in not changing how we source our energy, rather than listening to its own scientists who are predicting a decline in agricultural output, huge impacts on the nature tourism industry to name just two.
The old argument of inaction due to the inaction of others, specifically China, is no longer valid. China is streets ahead of Australia in terms of emission cutting practices.
Australians are the biggest polluters on earth per capita. Is that something we can live with?
It's time to take ignore the Government (and the Opposition party) as this only ever leads to procrastination. It's up to individuals and businesses to take the reigns if any progress is to be made.
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