Local attractions best in State

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Local attractions best in State

by Mat Churchill


Jungle Surfing Canopy Tours and the Daintree Discovery Centre have flown the flag for the far north after taking honours in the Queensland Tourism awards.

Sheena Walshaw of Jungle Surfing Canopy Tours was clearly proud of her team's achievements in winning the Tourist Attractions category, and particularly the Adventure Tourism category with the release of the Tropical North Queensland's new 'Adventurous by nature' branding.

"It couldn't be a better time to win this award," she said. "Adventure tourism is such an important part of tourism in Queensland. It was really important year for us to win the award and it's a thrill."

Ms Walshaw said it had been a year of mixed emotions after the sudden death of Jungle Surfing's founder, Stephen Walsh, in May. "We know he'd be incredibly proud of us," Mr Walshaw said.

The Daintree Discovery Centre was awarded the Ecotourism Award, named after world famous environmental activist, Steve Irwin. It's the second time the Centre has picked up the award after winning it in 2007.

Shelley Griffiths, Marketing Manager at Daintree Discovery Centre explained some of the great work their team are doing which contributed to their success at the awards.

"We were one of the first businesses in the far north to measure our carbon footprint. We also approached Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service to revegetate a ten hectare block of land near Alexandra Bay School, and encouraged the students to collect seeds."

The Centre is also sponsoring a James Cook University study to the tune of $60,000 over ten years to measure the amount of "carbon flux" or the amount of carbon given off by the rainforest.

Ms Griffiths said the Ecotourism award was gratefully received. "Everybody here is thrilled about it. These kind of awards are highly competitive, and anything that helps keep the region front of mind is important," she said.

To nominate for the awards, business must make a submission and be subjected to a thorough review of their operations including an onsite inspection, and environmental and financial assessment among others.

Jungle Surfing Canopy Tours and the Daintree Discovery Centre will now be finalists in the national awards held in Perth next March.