Grants open for tourism industry

Thur 7 October 2010 

Grants open for tourism industry


A new grant program to support sustainable tourism growth in Queensland has been launched.

Member for Cook Jason O’Brien MP said the Tourism Projects Pre-feasibility Grants Program would provide $450,000 in funding to assist in planning for new tourism opportunities in regions across the State.

“This new funding program will support the progress of tourism products and services that have been identified as being important for the enhancement of a region’s tourism sector,” Mr O’Brien said. 

“Some initiatives identified in a destination’s Tourism Opportunity Plan (TOP) were not able to yield anticipated benefits due to lack of an effective implementation and delivery vehicle.

"Therefore this grant program was established to help move projects and ideas contained in the TOPs from concept to realisation."

Applications will be considered on a merit basis, with priority given to those which would contribute to job creation and economic development, deliver a high quality tourism product, or fill a tourism infrastructure or product gap.

Mr O’Brien said the grant program is welcome news for the Cook region, and encourages business owners, community organisations and local governments to apply.

“These grants provide a wonderful opportunity for the region to think about the sort of sustainable tourism offerings they would like to see developed that would increase our appeal as a tourism destination and create local jobs,” said Mr O’Brien.

“Examples of high quality tourism products may include world-class mountain biking destinations, great walking trails of international significance, and new ecotourism accommodation."

Applicants can apply for up to $30,000 in funding to cover up to 50 per cent of the total cost of eligible project planning activities.

Applications close on 19 November 2010 and Mr O’Brien encouraged interested parties to discuss their proposal with Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation regional officers before completing an application.

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