Weather not KIND for golf day

Tue 5 October 2010 

Weather not KIND for golf day


Torrential rain has put a dampener on the KIND Charity Golf Day which was scheduled to be played yesterday at the Mossman Golf Course.

Recent heavy rain has resulted in a boggy course and unpleasant playing conditions, meaning the golf day had to be postponed until Sunday, 17 October at 12 noon.

KIND (Kids In Need of Donations) was created by a group of locals two years ago to assist two children who were diagnosed with Leukaemia, and since then have helped a number of kids and their families pay for treatment.

Jenny White, Secretary of KIND urged people to gather a team together and join them on this new date with the hope of sunny skies above.

"The money raised goes into a slush fund that is drawn on as needed," Jenny said. "We currently have six cases, and we've helped 12 in the last two years with expenses such as specialist treatment in Brisbane." 

Entry fees are $30 per person with teams of four taking part in an Ambrose competition. There are lots of great prizes to be won so if would like to enter, please contact Jock or Shane at Mossman Golf Course on 4098 1570.