Fathers Day fun at the Kindy

Wed 8 September 2010

Father's Day fun at the Kindy

This year the weather Gods shone down on the Port Douglas Kindergarten Fathers Day Picnic in the the Park.

Last years wash out was remembered with trepidation as the weekend forecast predicted rain for both Saturday and Sunday.  However, whilst the sun didn't exactly blast its way through on Sunday, it certainly did its best to keep the dreaded rain at bay.

Organiser Julie White and her team put on a wonderful day of activities for dad and the kids with plenty of fun rides, whilst local group 'Fashion Tips for T5actors' entertained the gathering crowds from 11.30am.

The bouncy castle and the water slide were top of the popularity poll for the kids with the horse rides and face painting coming in close behind.

GBR Helicopters did a roaring trade from the Mirage heliport with their free rides with every bargain snag purchased giving excited customers a flight around Port, including the Fun day site at Rex Smeal Park.

And the SES Fun Fire truck was kept busy all day driving around the Fun Park.

Barbecue, drinks and delicious home baked cake stalls were manned by parents from the Kindy, and with over 400 visitors throughout the day they did brisk business.

The Kindy were delighted to be raising desperately needed money to help with running costs and to guarantee funds for the future running of this essential service.

Organiser, Julie White said "We raised just over $2,000 on the day which is fantastic.  We need to raise about $8,000 as an immediate solution to our problems, so this is a great start to ensure the future of the Kindy".