Unlikely union calls for carbon proce

Tue 7 September 2010

Unlikely union calls for carbon price


An unlikely coalition representing millions of Australians has urged politicians from across the spectrum to put a price on pollution and take action on climate change.

The joint statement to the Independent MP's and all political parties is supported by groups representing workers, the church, environmental and social justice groups and development NGO's.

“As Australia waits for a new Government, the opportunity is ripe for long awaited action on climate change,” says Greenpeace CEO Linda Selvey.

“It’s not every day the Construction, Mining, Forestry and Engineering Union and Greenpeace appear in the same breath, but this just underscores how this issue crosses so many barriers.

"Climate change is not just an environmental issue. It is an economic, social, ethical, and public health issue. Whoever takes over the mantle of Australia’s next Government must take true leadership on climate change,” said Dr Selvey.

“A price on carbon is not all we need to do, but it is one of the most critical tools," says the Uniting Church’s National Director of Justice, Elenie Poulos.

"The environment is not merely a resource for us to plunder. It is a sacred gift from God and if we don’t treat it as such, we risk the planet and our very own future."

Calling on the newly announced cross-party Climate Change Committee to put forward legislation in the next 12 months, Australian Conservation Foundation Climate Change Manager Tony Mohr says, “The majority of Australians, the majority of Parliamentarians, and a vast cross section of civil society know the time for talk is over."

These statements were endorsed by a diverse range of groups including the CFMEU, Australia's main trade union in construction, forestry and forest products, mining and energy production, the ACTU, the Australian Council of Social Services, and a number of environmental organisations.