Only 4 more days until voting day

Wed 18 August 2010

Only 4 more days until voting day

By Roy Weavers, Editor

With only four days to go until the population goes to the polls, the pressure is on both candidates to persuade the 'swing' voters which way they should cast their vote.


Traditionally it is during this final run-up to the finishing post that candidates leave their biggest and best announcements.  And once announced the candidates need the 'big guns' from each of their respective parties to say supportive things thus encouraging the voters to have faith that there may be a modicum of truth in these pre-election promises.


The two main candidates for Leichhardt could't be more different in the style of their campaigning.   Warren Entsch uses the old school formula of daily announcements for his myriad of new projects with promised funding from either his government, once re-elected or from other avenues of which he seems to have an endless source.


Jim Turnour on the other hand is not as 'bombastic' in his approach but he quietly and confidently reminds the electorate of his achievements and his plans without the gusto that Mr Entsch brings to the 'party'.


Of course, whose campaigning technique is the correct one will only be revealed after Saturdays polls. 


Mr Entsch undoubtedly talks a great game but if he wanted support from his party hierarchy he probably winced a little when he heard his leader, Mr Abbott last Thursday say, "The fact of the matter is, local candidates say all sorts of things. What matters is the policy that the Party has adopted."


It's hardly likely that Mr Abbott's honest admission was meant to call Mr Entsch's credibility into question but, even if inadvertently, his comments don't seem to support Mr Entsch's many ambitious and in most cases much needed and credible local area plans.


Mr Entsch has announced the following projects but can he deliver them without Mr Abbott , at least showing a little willing:

  • Monorail in the Daintree
  • Second access into Cairns via a bridge over East Trinity
  • 1,500 seat Performing Arts Centre
  • Maritime Museum
  • Aquarium
  • 5,000 seat Olympic hockey and netball stadium
  • 20,000 seat football stadium
  • Revamping the Tobruk Pool into Olympic diving and swimming facilities
  • Upgrading Cazaly's Stadium




Mr Turnour, says of his opponents plans, "It is critically important that the community understands what candidates are offering at the election this weekend and aren't confused by a 'wish list' of pipe dreams that do not have the support of their party. These projects add up to billions of dollars and Mr Entsch has a track record of not delivering on any of them after almost 12 years previously as the Member. Only a Gillard Government has made funded committments to these important projects (almost the same list as above) that will support hundreds of jobs desperately needed in our region."


So as the 'carrot for the donkey' promises continue to the finishing line, naturally the people of Leichardt will make the final decision but it's hard to remember an election campaign where the local candidates appear to be very much in touch with their electorate but the national government representaives seem to be so far out of touch.


It could be because the party leaders have been throwing their own millions around but when the local candidates do the same their seems to be a reticence to support or confirm that expenditure.


However regardless of this criticism, Mr Entsch, just this morning persevered with his new project announcements. This time it's a $40million pledge over 4 years for the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine.
Mr Entsch said , "The establishment of the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) in conjunction with the Sporting and Cultural precinct will be key to diversifying our economy with sports tourism, education and health. These are real commitments to deliver real action at a time when our region needs some new direction to bolster jobs and secure our economy for the future."


So both candidates are pledging pre-election multi millions to the area to ensure jobs are created, the tourism industry is supported and the infrastructure of Cairns will be expanded to encourage more visitors and more business to the area.


It'll be interesting to see how many are kept or indeed how all these promises will regenerate Port Douglas, Mossman, Cape Tribulation or The Daintree, even with their monorail (which they may not even want!).


Is it only Cairns that matters in the federal division of Leichhardt, with the rest of us relegated to becoming a day-trip from the big 'smoke'.....It's makes you wonder doesn't it?