Seafood Extravaganza best ever!

Tue 1 June

Seafood Extravaganza best ever!

By Mathew Churchill  

The Seafood Extravaganza at Meridien Marina has been hailed as the “essence of Carnivale 2010” as literally thousands of people flocked (or should that be schooled) to indulge themselves in the finest, freshest seafood in Australia.


The Meridien Marina came alive yesterday on the last day of Carnivale, with locals, visitors, stall holders, and restaurant owners participating in what event organisers described as the most successful Seafood Extravaganza ever.


“The weather was perfect, everyone was well behaved, the music was great, and I think we would’ve seen well over 5,000 people go through the Marina over the course of the day.” Terry Murphy from Meridien Marina said.


The event was also a great money spinner for local traders. “We were getting feedback that this was the most lucrative event they (stall holders and restaurants) have ever been involved in.” Terry said.


Terry attributed part of the success of the day to the fact the event was free to the public. “If they’ve got $100 in their pocket that’s $100 they can spend on the day.”


Makes sense to me.