Participation the key to this weekend’s triathlons

Thu 27 May

Participation the key to this weekend’s triathlons

As part of Carnivale’s action packed Beach Day at Four Mile Beach this Saturday, three events in particular will leave you feeling a little less guilty about those extra drinks during the week of the festival, but only if you decide participate of course.


First cab off the rank is the HABA Dive 1km ocean swim. Open to everyone, event organiser, Guy Beasley said “Like all of our events, the focus is just to have a go. You can dog paddle it if you like!”  


The swim commences at 7.30am in front of the Port Douglas Surf Club.


Also on Saturday is the first race of the Latitude16 Kids triathlon series.  Kids aged between 7yrs and 12yrs will tackle races of varying distances depending on their age, with 7 and 8 year olds embarking on a 50m swim, 750m bike ride, and 600m run. “  Again, the focus is on participation and safe enjoyment,” Guy said.  “This is the second year the race has been run, and last year around 30 kids competed.  It’s so great to see the smiles on their faces when they finish a triathlon.”


There are medals for age group placings and all entrants receive a certificate for finishing.   Entrants need to be at the Rydges/Rendezvous pool by 11.30am.


If these events aren’t enough to get your blood pumping, the third Hahn Super Dry sprint distance triathlon will take place on Sunday.   “This is the main event involving a 750m swim followed by a 20km bike ride and a 5km run.” explains Guy “Last year we had about 80 starters and are expecting about 100 this year.”


For those of us who get tired driving 5km, organisers are also offering a race of about half the distance that may entice.


Registration for the Sunday triathlons will start at 9.00am, with the Hahn Super Dry Triathlon commencing at 10.00am at the Port Douglas Surf Club.


The emphasis on, 'having a go', seems to be getting through as many new and beginner competitors are being introduced to the sport, which is especially evident in the great response to this weekend’s events.


For more information on any of these races contact Guy Besley on 0423 577 808.