Tourism Queensland hold board meeting in Port
Tue 13 Apr
Tourism Queensland hold board meeting in Port

The Tourism Queensland (TQ) board and senior executive team will be visiting the region on Monday 19 April.
They will be holding their board meeting in Port Douglas in the afternoon, but the main purpose of the visit is to get an opportunity to listen and learn from the key members of the local tourism industry.
Chairman, Don Morris and the rest of the TQ board have therefore extended an invitation to join them with other local representatives, at an industry cocktail function from 6.00pm to 7.30pm on board Quicksilver 8, Meridien Marina Port Douglas.
For booking contact Tara Bennett at TPDD by 15th April on 07 5099 4588 or email info@tpdd.com.au
Editors comments: Hot off the recent success of 'The Best Job in World' campaign, our region is hoping that TQ's new campaign, reported to be coming out later in the year, is an improvement on the Change your Latitude campaign which promised would significantly boost attention and travel to the Far North. We in the Port Douglas region not only believe that Port Douglas is a gem in Queensland's overall tourism appeal but on a world stage is the Jewel of the Pacific Rim.