Hey Hey! let's go to Queensland
Wed 31 Mar
Hey, Hey let's go to Queensland

According to a Queensland Tourism media release, a new Tourism Queensland initiative designed to encourage Australians to take their unused leave and holiday in Queensland went live last Sunday (28 March) Minister for Tourism Peter Lawlor announced today.
Mr Lawlor said the initiative, called 'Hey Hey! It's time you got away', was inspired by Tourism Australia's 'No Leave, No Life' program which highlighted the need for Australians to take their annual leave. "Australians have accrued $33 billion in annual leave," Mr Lawlor said.
"We want people to convert this leave into bookings in Queensland whether it be for a short break or longer and take advantage of the great deals on offer from this campaign".
"The deals from more than 200 tourism operators across the state are open to all Australians, and will be available through Tourism Queensland's flagship consumer site www.queenslandholidays.com.au and sent out to the website's more than 300,000 subscribers direct via email. "Beyond that, we will be using social media channels like Facebook and Twitter".
"It's been a tough year for the Queensland tourism industry in the wake of the global financial crisis, and more recently flooding in The Outback. And Cyclone Ului, which hit Mackay and the Whitsundays. Having work/life balance is so important and this initiative will encourage Australians to not only use up stockpiled annual leave but to do it right here in Queensland!
"I would also urge employers to encourage their staff to take leave, as a holiday not only makes for a happier, more productive workforce, but also reduces the huge liability that untaken leave places on businesses. This is a fantastic opportunity to inspire Australians to take a break in Queensland."
Mr Lawlor said tourism was a major economic driver for the state and it was crucial to support local business. "If we can do that and at the same time get a brilliant deal, so much the better!" he said.
"As part of this initiative, my government will also be making sure that Queensland public service employees are aware of the deals and will be encouraging public servants to take advantage of these offers."
Tourism Queensland Acting CEO Steve McRoberts said the 'Hey Hey! It's time you got away' initiative would be a fast and effective way to speak directly to the people Queensland tourism operators most needed to reach. "This type of targeted initiative reaches a huge audience of potential Queensland holiday makers," Mr McRoberts said.
"They are people we know want to take holidays in Queensland and we can launch the initiative cost-effectively, direct to the most appropriate audience to give our industry a boost."
"Online is really the way of the future with 69 percent of people now researching and/or booking their holidays via the web."
Beyond that, Premier Bligh said the deals were incredibly attractive and it was a great opportunity for Australians to support Queensland businesses. "The prices are certainly right and the destinations are some of the best in the world," she said.
For more information on all of the fantastic 'Hey Hey! It's time to get away' deals visit www.queenslandholidays.com.au/getaway
Editors Comments: Let's hope this initiative coinciding with the return of the retro comedy show 'Hey, Hey it's Saturday' gets people thinking 'hey, hey, let's go to Queensland". Hey, Hey, I'm trying to be positive about this campaign, I just can't get the image of our tourism gurus in Pluck'a'Duck suits out of my mind, OK ?