New iPad launched
New iPad launched

Apple chief executive officer Steve Jobs launched the new iPad in San Francisco,California yesterday 27 Jan. The iPad is a touchscreen computer which looks like an A4 size iPod Touch. Apple's new iPad tablet computer will be available in Australia by the end of March this year.
It features a large 24.6cm (9.7-inch) colour LED-backlit touchscreen and allows users to access the web, email, music, photos, eBooks and games on the device which weighs in at only 0.7kg and is just 1.3cm thick.
The iPad will be available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB solid state drive capacity and features Appleās own 1Ghz processor. It also has a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection. Models will also be offered with an additional 3G mobile connection with data plans available to use with it.
Editors Comments: But "how", we hear you say, "am I going to use it ?". Well, we at Newsport are very excited by this development because it will make reading Newsport daily or our weekly NEWSMAIL out very easy whenever you're out and about by combining the best of print and digital content into one powerful application as was demonstrated at the event when they used an edition of the New York Times. I think this is another step towards helping traditional newspapers get with the programme !
What I particularly like is that this iPad brings back into focus the older readers and less computer savvy who struggle with reading small phone or ipod screens and keyboard buttons'cos it's a good size for easy use and easy news reading. It's also a convenient size when travelling in a crowded environment and it fits beautifully into a briefcase or shoulder bag. This product has been well thought out by Apple, not just for the amazing technology but for how its overcome many of the everyday challenges that can and have put off many potential users.