Plantation Resort Trivia Quiz Challenge Round 2
Tuesday 08 September
Plantation Resort Trivia Quiz Challenge Round 2
On Wednesday Sept 9th starting at 7pm, Round 2 of the Port Douglas Plantation Resort Trivia Quiz Challenge brings together some of the greatest minds from around the Port Douglas region !
'The Wunch of Bankers', the brain boxes from Port Douglas' Commonwealth Bank will no doubt be in fighting form to try and reclaim their top spot from the great pretenders, 'The Inbetweenies', last years 'ne're do wells' !
The Orphans, The Century 21, Braveheart and the other teams have been cramming consistently since the last shock round. Their heads are
apparently filled to bursting point with nonsense trivia and dinner party facts that would make you want to change seats !
Can 'The Inbetweenies' pull off another shock win or was it just a one-off flook. Well only Wednesday evening can tell us. Why not come along and cheer on your favourites or better still come along and form a team yourselves to join the fun. It's almost guaranteed to be even more exciting to watch than the Crocs were this year.
To enter a team just call Michael at Port Douglas Plantation Resort 07 4099 3522 or simply come along on the night to register. First prize at the end of the series, just before Christmas, is a $500 value Plantation Resort party for you and your friends.