It'll be Bloomin' lovely at Spring Orchid Show
Monday 07 September
It's bloomin' lovely at Spring Orchid Show in Mossman
The Douglas Orchid Society will be holding their annual Spring Orchid Show on Thursday 24th September at the CWA Hall, Front St, Mossman from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Entry is free and a raffle will be run on the day.
The Orchid show is always a popular event, and is well worth a visit on the day, with plant sale tables available.
All orchids on display are grown by local members, and free advice is available to anyone interested in learning how to grow their own orchids at home.
Contact Nada 0428555716 or Ron 4098 7857 if you are interested in joining, attending a workshop or coming along on one of our excursions. New members are welcome.