Highs and lows for the Reef Raiders


It’s been what is best described as an ‘up and down’ season for the town’s rugby union team, the Port Douglas Reef Raiders.

With two losses and a win, they are relishing the tight competition and also capitalising when they get home ground advantage. But they have also had to learn from their losses.

Their record to date: lost 19-22 to Cairns Northern Beaches; beat Wanderers 25-19 and lost 14-26 to JCU.

Tomorrow at the Port Douglas sporting complex they host Cairns Brothers who will be looking for their first win of the season.

“We have let ourselves down at times also allowing teams to dominate and this has cost us. We did not ‘turn up’ against the Beaches and although we fought back from being down 19-7 at half time to level the score, we conceded a penalty and suffered for it.

“In the Wanderers game, we were in control and with four of their players sin binned, it was a bonus. Although we fared better against JCU in previous years, we let them dominate play and we paid the price,” said Raiders coach Travis Gooch.

Gooch is confident about tomorrow’s game and expecting the team to rise to the occasion.

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