Port Douglas and Mossman sports Master Plan open for consultation
A draft plan for major upgrades to sporting facilities in both Port Douglas and Mossman has been put forward by Douglas Shire Council for public feedback.
Douglas residents will have until Wednesday, 22 July to comment on a draft of the Port Douglas Sports Complex and Coronation Park Master Plan, which aims to capitalise on a growing sports tourism market and improve facilities for the local community.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the plan identified an exciting future for local sport.
“The Port Douglas Sports Complex is strategically placed to become a hub of sports tourism with key visitor attractions a stone’s throw away,” he said.
“Like the wedding industry, regional sporting events have the potential to deliver significant economic benefits by attracting swarms of out-of-towners into the region."
Mayor Kerr added that planning for projects like this is vital in progressing local infrastructure and driving the post-Covid recovery.
“New and improved facilities will also support our local clubs and help us meet their needs.”
Some key projects slated for the Port Douglas Sports Complex include an indoor sports and entertainment centre, an extension to the clubhouse and a new synthetic hockey surface field.
Council’s Sports and Recreation Officer Renee Ker said the draft master plan was developed through extensive consultation with the community and facility users, as well as analysing sporting trends and growth.
“We had excellent input from a range of user groups. The focus of the masterplans was not only to support sport but also to activate ‘recreational users’. Cycling and walking paths, fitness stations, BBQ areas and a youth park all feature in the draft plan,” she said.
As for Coronation Park (Mossman Showgrounds), a new multi-use amenities and storage facility with disability access has already received funding through the Mossman Show Society.

A number of small-scale projects are also recommended to ensure future site development is delivered in a consistent way that continues to provide for the site’s main activities.
A new field to support junior rugby league and hockey is featured in the field with more open, safer and welcoming spaces.
Lighting upgrades have been recommended at both sites.
Once finalised, the plan will be used to attract investment from State and Federal Governments.
“The idea of a masterplan is not only for planning reasons and develop sport through infrastructure; but it is also gives Council a better chance for funding opportunities,” she said.
You can view the draft plan online and complete an electronic questionnaire to provide feedback.
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