Council to hand Blue Pools back to Traditional Owners
The culturally significant Blue Pools will be returned to the Traditional Owners.
Douglas Shire Council has resolved to relinquish joint trusteeship of Blue Pools, located in the Daintree, to the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation.
The site is known by some as ‘the Blue Hole’ but, to the Traditional Owners, the locality is referred to as ‘Blue Pools’.
Lyn Johnson, Chairperson for Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation and Tradition Owner for the area were the Blue Pools are located said it has been a long time coming.
“It’s a historical moment, to have blue pool handed back from Douglas Shire Council to Eastern kuku Yalanji Elders, past, present, and emerging,” she said.
Ms Johnson said the clan group would have the responsibility of taking care of it and discussions will be had about where to from here.
Council began formal discussions with Jabalbina in 2017 and public meetings were also held in 2019.
In a statement Council said: “It is considered that Jabalbina and the Traditional Owners are best placed to apply appropriate levels of control in regard to the Blue Pools Reserve, which is registered on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register.
“Blue Pools is an Aboriginal Story Place associated with ‘woman’s business’.”
As part of the 2020-21 Operational Plan, Council has also committed to introduce a position for an Indigenous Liaison Officer to work within Council to identify employment opportunities for Indigenous people
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