Councillors turn down pay rise, Balley Hooley to be considered
There was a lot on the agenda at the Council Meeting this week. Here are a few of the items that were passed.
Councillors knock back pay rise
After adopting the 2020-21 Annual Budget, Douglas Shire Mayor and Councillors unanimously voted to turn down a two per cent pay increase recommended by the Local Government Remuneration Commission.
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the decision was an easy one for the team to make.
“Our community is hurting and it would be unreasonable for their elected members get a pay rise,” he said.
“This is common sense and a responsible decision that is in line with what our ratepayers expect.”
The decision will save ratepayers more than $6,500.
- Budget: small rate rise and a record capital works program
- TPDD funding halved; council shifts tourism approach
- Budget: highlights of council’s record capital spend
Gifting of the Balley Hooley Steam Railway
Council staff will explore the possibility of taking over the Bally Hooley Steam Railway in Port Douglas after it was offered as a gift to Council
The John Morris Family Group recently contacted Council to discuss the possibility of Council operating the tourist railway.
Council Officers will undertake an asset and financial due diligence analysis before developing a report for consideration at a future Ordinary Meeting of Council before deciding if it will be taken on or not.

Council also adopted a Rates Financial Hardship Policy.
This policy will allow Council to consider applications for financial assistance from landowners who are experiencing financial hardship.
A Concealed Leak Financial Assistance Policy was also adopted.
Undetected water leaks for long periods can result in high water charges. This policy aims to financially assist with high water consumption charges in cases of proven concealed leakage.
See what else went down in the Council Meeting vis the video below or view the full council reports here.
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